Google: Cooling for Climate Change

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Google: Cooling for Climate Change

The Climate Change nowsaday threading our lives. Everywhere, we can see the "angry" of the nature, that's all occur because of our activities as: cut forrests, excessive exploitation of natural resources, CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, act... Google and thier data centers are also generating heat while we streaming the videos on YouTube or searching somethings on Search engines, and they also affect climate change...

So, what were the activities which Google did for solve that? They use the cooling towers, which expose water heated by data centers floor to the outside air. In the same way that perspiration removes heat from the human body, Google use water evaporation to cool the water that runs through thier data centers. This allows them to use the ‘free cooling’ provided by the local climate. 

Cooling for Climate Change
Rooftop cooling towers

Google use two loops of water to remove heat from the data center floor and transfer it to data cneter's cooling towers. Red (hot) and blue (cold) pipes carry water to and from the data center floor. Yellow (hot) and green (cold) pipes carry water to and from the cooling towers on the roof. The photo below shows our heat exchangers.  Where these two loops of water meet. The colorful pipes aren’t just for decoration, they designate the hot and cold water traveling in each of the loops. It is a happy coincidence that Google colors worked so well for labeling their water pipes.

Cooling for Climate Change

Heat exchanger room

In some sites with hot summer climates, Google also have backup chillers on hand (the double-barreled green units on the left side of the photo)—just in case the temperature or humidity gets too hot to rely on our cooling towers. "The giant" only use these when absolutely necessary, since they’re not as efficient as using outside air for cooling. 

The company of Searching Kingdom aims to use as little energy as possible to power our products, and Google cooling towers are a critical part of this effort. You can learn more about how they cool the data centers on Google Data center site.

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