Download All of Your Tweets!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Download All of Your Tweets!

We had previously chatted about Twitter working on an "archival" feature for the service, one that would allow its users to more easily access their litany of tweets from their earliest days of blasting 140-character messages across the Web.

download all your twitter

It appears that Twitter has managed to keep its proposed deadline intact for building and deploying such a feature. According to a report by The Next Web's Martin Bryant, Twitter appears to be slowly rolling out – or unlocking for a subset of its total users – a method for downloading every single tweet that they've sent to Twitter. Which, for some users, can be a great tool… or a gentle reminder that their first few tweets or so were perhaps not as brilliant as they first thought.
If Twitter's granted you access (preview?) to the archival feature, here's how you can find it. Log into your Twitter account and hit up the "Settings" link that's found under the larger gear icon on your Twitter home page. Scroll to the bottom of your "Account" screen and, if available, you should see a giant "Request your archive" button under a new "Your Twitter Archive" section. It's as easy as that.
The actual archival feature works a lot like Facebook's, in that you first have to submit a request to Twitter for your entire archive. Twitter processes all of your tweets on its side and emails you a download link when your archive is ready. Download it, and you'll get a handy little HTML file of all of the tweets you've ever made, organized in an easily accessible calendar format.
Pulling up your tweet-filled HTML file in your Web browser gives you a screen that looks a lot like Twitter's normal interface – you can browse through your tweets by month or search the entire archive for specific messages, and the archive even comes with a handy little graph to show you just how busy you've been on Twitter each month.
Additionally, Twitter also tosses CSV and JSON files into the package that capture the metadata attached to any tweets you've sent.
It's unclear just what Twitter's rollout process is going to be for the tweet-downloading feature. However, it stands to reason that Twitter will likely be able to meet its goal of granting all users access to archive downloads by the end of 2012.
For more tech tidbits from David Murphy, follow him on Facebook or Twitter (@thedavidmurphy).

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